About Polyominoes

It only takes a minute for anyone to learn how to play Polyominoes, but it is challenging enough to keep both kids and adults engaged for hours. Each player has a rack of colored tiles to play on the board. Play your first tile at any corner of the board. After that, each tile you play must touch a corner of a tile of the same color, without touching an edge of that color. Win by covering more of the board than your opponents. Play progresses around the board until there are no places left to play. Polyominoes is simple to learn, but game strategy is difficult to master and game play is unpredictable.

Play by yourself against the game, or with up to three of your friends.

Privacy Policy

We hate ads. We hate apps and web sites that share information about us. So, we don’t do any of that. We don’t know your name or your email address. We don’t track how you’re using the Polyominoes app, or whether you’re using the app. In short, we don’t have any information about you, so we can’t violate your privacy by sharing or storing or misusing your private information.

If you want to play Polyominoes with your online friends, you must sign-in to Apple’s Game Center. Game Center is a convenient way to connect with your friends and to play against others. You don’t have to sign-in to Game Center to play Polyominoes on your own. Whether you sign-in to Game Center or not, Polyominoes never has access to your or your friends’ contact information. You can refer to Apple’s Privacy Policy for more information.

When you subscribe to Polyominoes Premium, we use a third party service to assign you a random identifier that allows us to track your subscription status and to restore your subscription on other devices (or if you delete Polyominoes and re-install it). Neither we nor that service have access to your name or email address.


Send mail to info@polyominoes.app. App and web site terms of use apply.

Copyright  ©  2020 Steven G. Harris – All rights reserved